Monday, September 1, 2008

Morning Star... or Seventy-Six... Whatever it's called...

I find myself at "Seventy Six" or "Morning Star" (I don't know what the hell the place is called) far too frequently as of late. The causes are definitely due to Asa or the fact that the only place I can get internet is... well, here.

I've been trying to get a hold of some Nader lawn fixtures, but I have no idea where to get any. Everyone is almost completely moved in, but all of my things are a mess. All of my possessions are littered in random areas of the house until Graham leaves tomorrow... Then I can start moving my things into one confined area of the house.

Christ, I'm a mess.

So I've tried to quit smoking, but I planned on doing it gradually since quitting "Cold Turkey" is just way too difficult considering I've been smoking for the past six years. I think. Whatever, I guess it's not as big of an issue for me right now like trying to get my life together.

But the house looks nice.

And the housemates are pretty great people.

The smoke in this place is starting to make my head hurt. More on my life later.

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